The Benefits of Having Casing Installed in California Homes

The Benefits of Having Casing Installed in California Homes

This blog post will discuss the importance of having casing in a California home. From providing a finished look to protecting your home from pests and moisture, installing casing can be beneficial for many reasons. We will discuss why it is essential to have casing in your home, what benefits you can expect from installing it, and the cost of installing casing in California.

What Is Casing?

The casing is a critical feature of any home and is essential in California. The casing is a trim that runs around the inside or outside door and window frames. It can be made from various materials, such as wood, PVC, or aluminum. The purpose of casing is to provide a finished look to the door or window and provide protection from drafts and moisture. In California, the casing can also help protect your home from pests like termites.

The Importance Of Casing In Your Home

Having casing in your California home is essential for several reasons. Not only does it provide a finished look to your windows and doors, but it also helps protect your home from damage caused by moisture and pests. Additionally, having casing installed can help maintain the value of your property by providing a more aesthetically pleasing look to the interior of your home.

The benefits of having casing are numerous; it adds value to your property and helps keep out drafts, moisture, and pests. Additionally, having casing installed increases insulation in the walls around doors and windows, which can result in lower energy bills over time.

What Happens If I Don’t Have Casing In My Home?

If you don’t have casing in your California home, you could be at risk for pest infestations and damage caused by moisture entering through cracks or gaps around door frames and window frames. Additionally, without casing, you could lose valuable insulation that would help keep energy costs down over time.

Call Casing Experts

Casing installation can be done by yourself if you have experience with carpentry projects.

However, hiring a professional may be the best option if you’re looking for quality workmanship with expert knowledge of materials and installation techniques. The cost of installing casing varies depending on what type of material you choose and how many windows/doors need to be covered. Still, it typically ranges from $3-$20 per linear foot for wood trim to $4-$25 per linear foot for PVC trim in California.

For an accurate quote on your casing needs, call (909) 947-3310 and speak to a casing expert at Moldings Plus today.